Book Struggle Sunday: Being alone in a FANDOM

WhatsApp-Image-20160717.jpegAfter I told my friend Melissa about my discussion post (The Never Ending Battle of Paperbacks vs Hardcovers), Melissa came with the idea to do another collab. We love working together (Story Sound Saturday), so the idea was to also do a post on Sunday! The longer we were discussion the post, the more ideas that we came up with and the more excited we got! We want to make an interactive post and that you, readers, join is in our ‘discussions/rants’ on the subjects that we post every Sunday from now on. This will be book related (book struggles), but also real life struggles. We come up with a thesis, write our opinion, ask your opinion in the comments and we hope we can all discuss about it.

This way, you get more insights and perhaps we will think more about certain subjects so that you come across new discoveries. In addition, the interactive portion seemed just super fun. Connecting with other readers and talk about books and more .. We are wondering what you’re going to think of it!

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Guest Blog: Rachel from Fiction Over Reality

Hello fellow book lovers! I’m Rachel, the blogger behind Fiction Over Reality where I express my deep love for books and explore that amazing worlds inside of them. I decided to invade Wendy’s blog today and entertain you for the moment. If you want you can run on over to my blog where you can see Wendy’s post that she did on the books you can bring to the pool or the beach! (While you’re over there you should follow me so you can hear about me a few times a week) Now onto my All-time Summer Favorites!

Summer is the time that I call my I-don’t-have-a-life period. Though I live in New England region of the US and it’s not very hot where I live- I tend to be a hermit and stay inside. It is the time that my life is consumed mostly by Netflix but also the time where I can read all day and drink tea if I want. And because of this I have visited the bookstore quite a few times, picking up books left and right, devouring YA stories. But I do have a select few that I save specifically for the summer.

First up is Summer Day and Summer Nights by twelve authors and edited by Stephanie Perkins. I’ve been reading this book and I’m almost finished with it. And let me tell you- I’m in love with it. If you are looking for an easy book to read that’s still enjoyable and totally ice cream eating worthy, this is the book. I sat out on the porch eating ice cream while I read this book and it captivated my mind. If you see this book on the shelves, definitely get it!

These two books I can read anytime of year. Since I have more free time than I probably should have during the summer, it makes blogging a lot easier and I can reread all of my favorite books.These books hold beautiful stories with
amazing characters. They are perfect to take with you to the beach or on vacation (though just saying- you might want to have a box of tissues while reading ATBP).

If you haven’t read a Cassandra Clare book, this summer is the time to jump on to the train
that may or may not take over your life because it’s so amazing! I am a huge fan of Cassandra Clare’s books because she creates an entire world out of her words. If you are looking for a fantasy read, The Mortal Instruments is the series to tackle now especially if you have no life like me yay. You will be captivated by this book and all it holds.

I was lucky enough to review this on my blog and I absolutely loved it. This is one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Having a dull day? Pick up this book and be ready to clutch onto your stomach from laughter because the characters in this story are #1 and make the story 100 % awesome. Plus, it’s unique and if you need to spruce up your reading, this is a breath of fresh air!

Those are my top five recommendations for the summer! Thank you so much for putting up with me and my rambling, and thank you to Wendy for letting me invade her blog for the post. If you enjoyed, give Wendy a like on this post and maybe head on over to Fiction Over Reality 🙂

What are your summer reads? Are there any books that you can’t wait to read?